Monday, May 21, 2012

Tugas M.K Translation II - semi fiksi- English

A most impressive story of PPL in SMA Negeri 3 Poso

The first time I started writing this project as an assignment for Translation, I felt very lazy. Not because I don’t want to do it, but due to the need to recall the fun things that happened during PPL. Well, this paper can be said to be titled "Memorable memories for PPL". Why not pleasant to remember these things? Because personally, I think, every day for 2 months was all fun. Not a single day I spend with unhappiness. So, I'm lazy to do it because I was confused to tell the story of the most enjoyable. And after being given advice by my cousin, Fiadwita, which is also my students when PPL, I finally decided one of the most exciting thing that ever happened in 2 months of my job as an English teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Poso.
That day is Thursday in the third week since I first set foot in SMA Negeri 3 Poso. On that day, I was supposed to be taught in grade tenth class A, at the lessons to 3 and 4, that means about 8 to 10 am. Unfortunately, I have a college class schedule at this time. I felt dilemma, I would teach or go to college? At that time, our class schedules are still pretty hard to match our teaching schedule as a teacher of PPL. Thus, our lecturer who teaches the course asked us to remain present course schedule and plans to discuss the transfer of class schedules that will not disrupt the teaching schedule.
Finally, I decided to go to college. And in order to make my students don’t miss the material, which should I teach in the day, before going to college I took time to get into the class, check the attendance list and then ask for permission because I couldn’t fulfill my teaching hours. I gave them the task to be done during time of 2 hours. I didn’t lose my wits, I also asked their opinion about creating additional classes in the afternoons, after school. It is intended to pay off my teaching schedule is passed. I have to get a deal with them. We will implement additional classes on Saturdays at 4 pm.
When Saturday arrived, I asked Fiadwita to remind her friends so they won’t forget with our additional class. Based on information provided by Fiadwita, make me feel quite sad because she thought her friends seemed not to care. And she said, "It seems like only a few will come, ma'am. Some people will follow for scout camping activities, there’s the following beauty extracurricular, and some are living in coastal areas, so maybe they won’t come. "
But I didn’t immediately surrender. Saturday afternoon at half past four I was waiting for them in the classroom. Just me and Fiadwita, I did pick her up to go with. After a few minutes, some students began to come. Almost a half of them. Then followed by another student who according to information from Fiadwita, won’t have time to attend for reasons earlier. A member of the Scouts said, "We are taking the time to come, ma'am. Anyway, we went to the location with the departure for the second turn, it is at 5.30 pm.”
Then those who follow beauty extracurricular said," We have participated in the daytime schedule, Mom, even though beauty schedule for class 10 at 4 pm, luckily we were allowed, so it’s now completed and we can be present.”
And many more sayings that make me happy and thrilled. I just don’t think that they all will come and meet my class. With their presence, already answered the question in my mind, "Did they like when I’m teaching? Will they be happy to come to receive the knowledge that I’ll give this afternoon? Is two weeks since my presence among them could provide the sense of teachers and students?”
On that day, I began to understand the words of the head of SMA Negeri 3 Poso when first greeted our arrival, "Being a teacher isn’t to be feared but to be respected. When they respect you, they will gladly soak anything that you teach and remember, students will just say, I like that teacher, only because of the breadth of knowledge that we show them.”
It didn’t waste my efforts even though only two weeks to share knowledge with them and keep my dignity in front of them; in the end they can respect me as their real teacher.

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