Saturday, June 2, 2012

#ProjectSophia - Desa Patiwunga

Today is my first time to join the event of Perempuan Poso, #ProjectSophia1
I went to Patiwunga village with Shem, Aditya and our driver (I do really forget to ask his name :p)
Now I share some pictures of that.
Look at them :) -- click on the picture to make it bigger

The Banner

The books and the kids is choosing the books that they want to read

The kids are reading the books

Aditya took pictures of me while I stood beside the books and read a book (can't remember the title)

Took picture with Mrs. Yulen (with hat) and Mrs.... (I forgot her name, heheehe)

Re-arranged books after closing the event
Finally, there's just a word for my first experience today with them, IMPRESSIVE :)
Hardly to control my patience for waiting the next ones at the next schools :)
Wish I can take time until next Saturday without feeling so long wait the 6 days passed.
Winda :)

N.B: I actually had the videos that recorded by Aditya but it is still on pieces. We'll work to make it unite. You can see it when I upload it on my Youtube account. I'll notify you all, guys :) or to make it easier, I'll post it in this blog. But, poor me, I can't promise you the videos will work soon. I need time, pals! I shall try to grasp some times between my random business, hehehe.
Okay, see you soon on the next post :)

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