Saturday, May 28, 2011

Greet you :D

First, I just wanna say, HELLOOOOO.....

          I didn't update my posts for this blog, huh?
                         Now even so, I have no idea to post something here.
 Understandably, I'm very busy like this picture :
  *busy as bee

               I like the yellow icon is sandwiched between so much bustle is depited by the green icons. Pity, isn't it?
     That's why I only post this one because don't have something to share.
              Just to state that THE AUTHOR STILL HERE and CARE ABOUT THIS BLOG, she's just too... *no need to say anymore - I guess- LOL

        So, thank you so much like a million because you still follow and monitor this blog faithfully.
                          Keep READING and SMILING for this blog.

Big Hug and Kiss You All...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Saloupa, the Exotic Waterfall in Poso

Air Terjun Saloupa, Tentena, Kab. Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Keunikan Air Terjun Saluopa ini terdiri dari 12 tingkat, air yang  mengalir sangat jernih dan sejuk dimana setiap pengunjung dapat naik  sampai ketingkat teratas karena tidak berlumut dibawah derasnya air. Disekitar air terjun ini terdapat hutan tropis sehingga menambah  keindahan panorama alamnya. Jarak air terjun Saluopa 12 Km sebelah  barat dari Tentena, ibukota Kecamatan Pamona Utara dan dapat  ditempuh dengan menggunakan kendaraan darat dan dilanjutkan dengan berjalan kaki sejauh 500 meter.